brickwork - albañileria (f)
building - edificio (m), edificación (f)
carpentry - carpinteria (f)
cave - cueva (f), cueva vivienda - habitable cave (f), cave house - casa cueva (f)
deep - profundo
do it yourself (DIY) - bricolaje or bricolage (m)
dimension - dimensión (f)
floor - suelo (m)
glass - crystal (m)
hard - duro
high - alto
The modern accepted measure is the Hectare, which is 10,000 square metres or 2.47105 acres. Older forms of land measurement, still found in old escrituras, are the
celemÃn (m) which is a unit of area equivalent to 536.63 square metres.
cuatillo (m) this is, I believe, a unit of area peculiar to the Galera area.
era (f) in the context of land measure, this is a threshing floor or a circular area of level land where a mule or donkey pulled a circular column of stone behind it to thresh the grain.
fanega (f) which has a measure of 0.64 Hectare.
Old areas of land measure are often related to the productivity of the land itself, i.e. the amount of land required to produce a given weight of grain. E.g.
1 fanega = 2 cajas = 4 cuartillas = 12 celemines = 150 lb.
long - alto
measurement - medición (f), medida (f)
paint - pintura (f)
pipe - tubo (m)
porch - pórtico (m)
radiator - radiador (m)
roof - tejado (m)
rough - áspero
shelf - repis (f)
shelves - estante (m), estanteria (f)
soft - blando
tap - grifo (m)
thick - gordo
thin - delgado
wash basin - lavabo (m)
washing machine - lavadora (f)
waterproof - impermeable
wide - amplio
window - ventana (f)